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She Thinks You’re So Hot

Remember when your mom said that you were the most handsome man in the world? Yeah, she was lying to your fucking face. But before you call her up and tell her what a lying fucking whore she is, just realize that she was just trying to make you feel better. Why was she trying […]

Live sex cam chat with Rebecca Reed

I’m all for a bit of messing around and when it comes to having fun who doesn’t like to go all-in? I have a special sex chat for you guys to mess around with today and this sweet cam girl who goes by the name of Rebecca Reed is going to make it her mission […]

Making Use of the Produce

There was a meme I saw not long ago, that read “The crisper drawer is where good intentions go to die”. I laughed because it’s true. I want to look like Chris Hemsworth, but I just don’t have the discipline to eat a plant based diet and train like Chris Hemsworth. Life would be so […]